Lincoln Empowered Secondary Social Studies Credit Recovery Course

U.S. History I - Credit Recovery

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  • This course includes teacher services. The auto-graded option is not yet available.

Primary Grade: 9

Grade Range: 9, 10

Credit Equivalency:

Semester: 0.5 Credits

Full year: 1 Credit


United States History I introduces students to early American history and covers topics ranging from the first inhabitants of the North American continent through the end of the American Civil War. Students examine the growth of the United States, including major events that led to the American Revolution; post-Revolutionary War growth; the political, economic, and social landscape in the early 1800s; slavery; and territorial expansion. Students explore the concept of Manifest Destiny and the Civil War, leading to an analysis of the state of the nation at the Civil War’s end.

In the credit recovery instance of this course, pre- and post-tests measure student mastery at the learning objective level. Students are excused from credit recovery course content based on the results of the topical pre-tests, which allows them to focus on the content they've not yet mastered.


  • Election of 1828
  • European Colonization of America
  • Canada, Central America, & Mexican Independence
  • Opposing Native Americans
  • The Constitution
  • The Bill of Rights
  • Civil War
  • Northern & Southern Advancement
  • Immigration
  • Industrial Revolution


This course includes teacher services. All course teachers are certified, subject-area content experts. The teacher will grade student assessments and provide detailed feedback. The course teacher is available to answer student questions via email, during scheduled office hours, or by virtual appointment. The teacher will carry out documented modifications and accommodations that are applicable to the online course. Progress monitoring and supplemental material will be provided by the teacher as needed.