- This course is one semester in length.
Primary Grade: 9
Grade Range: 9, 10
Credit Equivalency:
Semester: 0.5 Credits
In the Introduction to Business course, students explore their roles as wage earners, consumers, and citizens as they discover the wide, exciting world of business. In this introductory course, students investigate topics pertaining to investment strategies and business communications that are vital for success in today’s economy. Students analyze the impact of marketing and the role of the government in the realm of business and economy.
All course teachers are certified, subject-area content experts. The teacher will grade student assessments and provide detailed feedback. The course teacher is available to answer student questions via email, during scheduled office hours, or by virtual appointment. The teacher will carry out documented modifications and accommodations that are applicable to the online course. Progress monitoring and supplemental material will be provided by the teacher as needed.