Introduction to Digital Media

Introduction to Digital Media

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Primary Grade: 9

Grade Range: 9, 10

Credit Equivalency:

Semester: 0.5 Credits


Introduction to Digital Media provides students with a foundation in graphic arts, sound, and video media. Students explore production and portfolio generation while evaluating and analyzing other artists. Topics extend beyond the actual visual demonstrations, allowing students to review the editing process for images, sound, and video. In this introductory course, students explore the vast possibilities of digital media, how it is used in everyday advertising and art, and where innovation exists within the field.

Requisite Adobe Software: Audition, Bridge, Illustrator, Photoshop, Portfolio, Premiere


  • Think Like An Artist
  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator
  • Digital Media Arts
  • Digital Graphics
  • Sound Art
  • Portfolios


All course teachers are certified, subject-area content experts. The teacher will grade student assessments and provide detailed feedback. The course teacher is available to answer student questions via email, during scheduled office hours, or by virtual appointment. The teacher will carry out documented modifications and accommodations that are applicable to the online course. Progress monitoring and supplemental material will be provided by the teacher as needed. 


Auto-graded courses are self-paced, multimodal, and standards-aligned. Students progress independently and are assessed frequently through weekly checkpoints and Mastery Assessments. Upon submission of assessments, students receive immediate answers and feedback and can mark the completion of work via a completion button in the learning management system. These courses allow students to work at their own pace and spend the necessary time on course content to ensure mastery.